JCB Expanding Pivot Pins
Get more performance from your pins and eliminate play with the Expander System.
All machinery are subject to lug wear over time with the performance of a pivot directly affecting a machine’s ability to perform its task safely and with high precision.
The Expander System offers industry-leading pivot pins whose sleeves expand and conform to existing wear patterns. With the Expander System, the repair can be carried out directly in the worn mountings without welding and line boring.
Lug wear occurs on the lugs due to the assembly play between pin and lug, resulting in increased vibration, grinding and rattling; decreased precision and stability. Lug wear is commonly repaired with line boring which is a time consuming and expensive procedure. This traditional repair method solves the lug wear but does not stop it from reoccurring.
The Expander System starts saving you money from when it is installed. The usual recurring maintenance costs associated with traditional pivot replacement are completely eliminated with the Expander System’s permanent solution.
The result?
✔ No more line boring and minimised downtime.
✔ Customer satisfaction with a permanent solution.
✔ The problem with lug wear eliminated.
Have an enquiry?
Get in touch with your local Parts Department for machines eligibility / more details, we’re pleased to assist.