Financing Your Purchase

Name: G & J Peck Limited

Registered address: 90 Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3NX

Telephone: 01353 664515

We do not and cannot operate as your agent, we can however introduce you to a limited number of lenders who may be able to finance your purchase.

Yes, we are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Our FCA Reference number is: 668130.
Our permitted business is: credit brokerage, debt adjusting, debt counselling

You can check this on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA website at We are listed as a consumer credit firm.

No, you make no payment to us, but either the company or one of its employees may receive commission from the finance provider* in consideration of submitting a proposal or making a referral that is converted into an agreement. These payments are not additional fees that you will have to pay and do not affect the amount you pay under your finance agreement.

(* the commission received from JCB Finance Ltd is a flat fee of £50 plus basic rate tax and employer National Insurance contributions for each JCB machine on the finance agreement).

No, we are neither an independent financial adviser nor an independent debt adviser and so are unable to provide you with independent financial advice or independent debt advice on the management of your debts.

Any opinion and/or statements we provide are given on our own behalf and the lenders we work with have no liability whatsoever for such opinion or statement.

If you wish to make a complaint, please contact us in the first instance by writing to us:-

Mrs J Loversidge
G & J Peck Limited, 90 Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3NX

or by telephoning us on 01353 664515