AVR Green Select

AVR Green Select – The best of both worlds…

Quality retains its value, even as a second-hand machine. That’s the goal of AVR Green Select: offering quality at an attractive price.

For those looking for a machine new-to-them, when researching the second hand market, it’ can be a little daunting. We’ve all heard of the “buyer beware” scenarios, with notices such as “sold as seen” etc. We may want second hand prices but we also want a machine that will work!

Well, AVR have a solution for those who would like to look at their options with machinery coming from the second hand market BUT also wanting the reassurance that you are getting exactly what you are expecting.

AVR buy their machines, giving them a complete overhaul, so by the time you see the machine, you can view it with the peace of mind that it will be a fully functioning tool, due to the quality of the build for years to come.

Get in touch with your local Area Sales Manager, we are pleased to assist your endeavours whether looking for brand new, new to you or simply wanting to look at how AVR hold up against the competition… We’ve seen them in action, we’ve worked alongside them for years… we’re proud to have AVR as a supplier we can both trust and recommend.